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At Edelman, we carry on our mission to make the world more beautiful in and around the house and in all seasons. We aim to achieve this by following our internal roadmap 'Because We Care' which focuses on creating positive impact within the 4 impact areas: Planet, People, Product and Performance. By doing so, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG3, SDG8, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16 and SDG17.

Star Ornaments

Orion Birdhouse

Made of natural plant fibres


Our mission is to make the world more beautiful. We aim to achieve this by offering beautiful collections to decorate your house and garden. While doing that, we strive to stay focused on managing the environmental impact and social responsibility of the business. Simply ‘Because We Care’.

We believe that the future of our company is positively linked with the wellbeing of the ecosystem that we all belong to, our planet. Therefore, we are committed to take responsibility for our actions. We carefully develop products that fulfill a market need. Yet, we realize that these products are produced all over the world which makes it challenging to minimize our product footprint. Nevertheless, we have set ourselves clear goals on our sustainability journey to do just that. Step by step.

Nowadays, no family celebration or gathering passes by without a conversation about climate change. Awareness of the need for change is growing among people, while legislation is getting increasingly demanding on supply chain transparency. We cannot deny the urge for change, so we have chosen to be part of the solution for a better tomorrow for all of us.

With our internal ‘Because We Care’ roadmap, we believe that we can be an early adopter of sustainability in the home deco industry. We are taking various actions to reduce our operational footprint. From the day-to-day business operations, such as creating our energy with solar panels and driving electric vehicles, to reducing waste by reusing our showroom and event materials. Additionally, we find it very important to take good care of our employees with attractive benefit packages and health & vitality initiatives on the work floor.

Nonetheless, we are aware that more than 90% of our total impact comes from our products. Therefore, we are currently focusing on developing sustainable items based on circular design principles. These products can be recognized by the ‘Because We Care’ label. With every season, we are striving to increase the percentage of Because We Care products in our collection.

With the first steps of our sustainability journey taken, we are committed to keep working hard on our ambition to become a leading sustainable company in the home deco sector. Why? Because we care about a beautiful world for future generations.

Caspar Klinkhamer
Managing Director Edelman